Partners For Improving Outcomes
For more than 20 years, American Surgical Professionals has provided skilled Surgical Assistants to hospitals, surgical centers, and physicians—improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and driving efficiencies.

OR Directors
- Gain Reliable Surgical Assistant Coverage
- Reduce Costs and Admin Tasks
- Increase OR Utilization

- Gain Consistent Surgical Assistant Coverage
- Shorten Surgery Times
- Get the Right Specialist on Your Team

- Earn Stable Salary, Great Benefits
- Broaden Clinical & Managerial Experience
- Minimize Administrative Tasks
American Surgical Professionals offers broad capabilities resulting in faster, safer surgeries.
in savingsCompared to in-house staffing.
hospitalsTrusted by more than 400 hospitals in 12 states.
surgeriesPerformed per year by ASP Surgical Assistants.
Ensuring Excellent Medical Care For Your Patients
We at American Surgical Professionals understand the complexities of delivering quality surgical care – from recruiting to managing staff scheduling and training to mitigating regulatory issues to navigating legislative initiatives. Our vast experience uniquely positions us to adapt proactively to changes in healthcare delivery, and, in turn, help our clients and employees focus on what they do best: ensuring the excellent medical care for their patients.
“Together we have delivered the best outcomes”
Rajeev Puri, MD, Oak Orthopedics, Bradley & Watseka IL
“I’ve been fortunate to work with the same Surgical Assistant on a regular basis. He’s become a co-surgeon; not only setting, closing, etc., but drawing on our shared experience to successfully complete challenging cases. Together we have delivered the best outcomes that could be expected in any given situation.”
“When I reflect upon my ASP experience, what comes to mind is “Outstanding Career Opportunity.” I joined as a Surgical Assistant about 5 years ago, progressed to Team Leader, and then became a Director – managing a GREAT team of talented professionals, while keeping my hands in the ORs at several hospitals. Along the way, it’s been a tremendous learning experience, both through the extensive management training ASP provided, and by assisting on a broad range of procedures.”
“Outstanding Career Opportunity for Surgical Assistants”
William Barris, Director, American Surgical Professionals